Though the actress did not officially confirm her exit from One Life to Live, on February 16, Duplaix posted a message on her Twitter page that indicated that her time with the show had come to an end.
"Packing up and headed to Hollywood! Woohoo!" Duplaix tweeted.
The message was notable because One Life to Live tapes in New York. The move to California will put the actress back to where she began her career in daytime. From 2004 to 2008, Duplaix appeared as Valerie Davis on NBC's supernatural skewing soap, Passions.
Earlier this year, Duplaix was recognized by the NAACP, which nominated her for an Image Award.
Duplaix made her first appearance as Rachel on April 7, 2009. A last airdate for Duplaix has not yet been made available, nor has the network ruled out a recast at some point. In the meantime, fans can catch Duplaix in a television commercial for McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.