As we make our way into Sweeps season, there were a few reveals this week - but were the fans really surprised?
I often debate the use of "spoilers" even though I post them on this site myself. Sometimes I really don't want to know what is going on. But in this age of technology, it's tough to not know what is going on in daytime.
This week, we learned that Jonathan loves Tammy (and vice versa). I don't really think the fans were all that shocked - but Reva sure was!! I know that many fans are against this pairing because of their first cousin status, but you can't deny the chemistry between Tom Pelphrey and Stephanie Gatschet. I found myself listening to "their" song as I was getting ready to write today's column - which I love. They remind me a lot of Beth and Lujack - and I love to watch those bad boys fall in love!!! I can't see the Tammy and Sandy wedding going off without a hitch, but it will be interesting to watch.
And who was shocked that Jeffrey is really Richard? I can't figure out how they can explain all of this - but I certainly was not surprised here either. Although I don't think Cassie is going to be very forgiving, after all she went through with Edmund.
Speaking of Edmund, I really hate to see him go. GL really wrote him into a corner, but I will miss David Andrew MacDonald and wish him all of the best. This week we lose Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny) and Nancy St. Alban (Michelle) but I'm sure that we'll hear that they all have great new characters to bring to other shows very soon.
Hats off to Mandy Bruno (Marina) for a really terrific performance this week. Even though you knew that Marina and Danny were kaput, it was nice to see such strong performances that really made you feel for the characters involved. I can see that Marina might end up with A-M (who seems desperate for a date with anyone at this point). Since he was married to her Mom (Eleni), and Frank really has lots of issues with him - this could spell trouble.
As we get closer to the big wedding (which has certainly been rushed) I sense a lot of great moments coming up. Hopefully we'll see more great moments and possibly one happy couple at the end!!
Keep the Light Shining and Have a Great Week!